THE LINK | | | Participants | | | Shawn W. Gurtcheff, M.D. |
Shawn W. Gurtcheff, M.D., M.S. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Medical Director
Utah Fertility Center Murray, Utah EDUCATION
ACADEMIC AND CLINICAL POSITIONS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Medical Director, Utah Fertility Center (1/2019-present)
Physician, Utah Fertility Center (1/12-present) Physician, Seattle Reproductive Medicine (8/10-12/11) Committee Appointments: Physician Liaison to the Artworks EMR Practice User Group Lead, Clinical Education Conference Visiting Instructor, Division of General Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Utah Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology (7/06-8/10) Associate Physician, The Permanente Medical Group Northern California Women’s Health Department, Capital Service Area (7/04-7/06) |
Dr. Gurtcheff grew up moving from state to state as her father followed his passion of flying airplanes for the U.S. Air Force. She is very proud to now call Utah home, and having been here a total of 13 years, she has lived here far longer than anywhere else. She completed both her post-doctoral residency and fellowship training, and she received her Master’s Degree from the University of Utah. She had the very special opportunity to practice general obstetrics and gynecology for several years prior to sub-specializing in fertility. While she does certainly miss the excitement of Labor and Delivery, Dr. Gurtcheff so highly values family that she loves focusing on helping others build theirs. She feels it is a great honor to share this amazingly wonderful and difficult journey, and she strives to provide comprehensive and personalized care to all of her patients. She is dedicated to individualizing treatment plans for her patients, and to supporting them emotionally through the process. |
PUBLICATIONS (peer-review) |
Patient perspectives and experiences with in vitro fertilization and genetic testing options.
Rothwell E, Lamb B, Johnson E, Gurtcheff S, Riches N, Fagan M, Sabatello M, Johnstone E. Ther Adv Reprod Health. 2020 Apr 16;14:2633494119899942. Pre-implantation genetic testing: decisional factors to accept or decline among in vitro fertilization patients. Lamb B, Johnson E, Francis L, Fagan M, Riches N, Canada I, Wilson A, Mathiesen A, Sabatello M, Gurtcheff S, Johnstone E, Rothwell E. J Assist Reprod Genet. 2018 Sep;35(9):1605-1612. Development and initial validation of a fertility experiences questionnaire. Thomas FS, Stanford JB, Sanders JN, Gurtcheff SE, Gibson M, Porucznik CA, Simonsen SE. Reprod Health. 2015 Jul 17;12:62. Emergency contraception with a copper IUD or oral levonorgestrel: an observational study of 1-year pregnancy rates. Turok DK, Jacobson JC, Dermish AI, Simonsen SE, Gurtcheff S, McFadden M, Murphy PA. Contraception. 2014 Mar;89(3):222-8. Diminished ovarian reserve and infertility. Gurtcheff SE, Klein NA. Clin Obstet Gynecol. 2011 Dec;54(4):666-74. Lactogenesis after early postpartum use of the contraceptive implant: a randomized controlled trial. Gurtcheff SE, Turok DK, Stoddard G, Murphy PA, Gibson M, Jones KP. Obstet Gynecol. 2011 May;117(5):1114-21. A survey of women obtaining emergency contraception: are they interested in using the copper IUD? Turok DK, Gurtcheff SE, et al. Contraception. 2011 May;83(5):441-6. Conservative treatment of a Herlyn-Werner-Wunderlich müllerian anomaly variant, noncommunicating hemiuterus with Gartner duct pseudocyst. Dorais J, Milroy C, Hammoud A, Chaudhari A, Gurtcheff S, Peterson CM. J Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2011 Mar-Apr;18(2):262-6. A pilot study of the Copper T380A IUD and oral levonorgestrel for emergency contraception. Turok DK, Gurtcheff SE, et. al. Contraception. 2010 Dec;82(6):520-5. Operative management of intrauterine device complications: a case series report. Turok DK, Gurtcheff SE, et. al. Contraception. 2010 Oct;82(4):354-7. Introduction to the MAUDE Database. Gurtcheff SE. Clin Obstet Gynecol. 2008 Mar;51(1):120-3. Second trimester termination of pregnancy: a review by site and procedure type. Turok DK, Gurtcheff SE, et al. Contraception 2008 Mar;77(3):155-61. Training the gynecologic surgeon: a (recently graduated) resident's perspective. Gurtcheff SE. Obstet Gynecol. 2005 Jan; 105(1):2-3. Complications Associated With Global Endometrial Ablation: The Utility of the MAUDE Database. Gurtcheff SE, Sharp HT. Obstet Gynecol 2003: 102(6):1278-1282. |
PUBLICATIONS (book chapter) |
Gurtcheff S, Peterson CM. Common Endocrinopathies in Reproductive Endocrinology. In: Carrell D, Peterson CM, eds, Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility: Integrating Modern Clinical and Laboratory Practice. 1st ed. Springer New York; 2010:209-234.
P, eds. Practical Gynecology: A Guide for the Primary Care Physician. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: ACP Press; 2008:47-76. Gurtcheff S, Hatasaka, H. Fertility and Autoimmune Disease. In: Branch and Lockshin, eds. Reproductive and Hormonal Aspects of Systemic Autoimmune Diseases: 1st ed. Elsevier; 2006. |
“Abnormal Uterine Bleeding.” Utah Valley Family Medicine Residency Program, Utah Valley Regional Medical Center, Provo, Utah (7/16)
“Management of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.” Utah Valley Family Medicine Residency Program, Utah Valley Regional Medical Center, Provo, Utah (3/13; 8/15) “Advances in Contraception.” Utah Valley Family Medicine Residency Program, Utah Valley Regional Medical Center, Provo, Utah (2/12) “Fertility Preservation in Cancer Patients.” Grand Rounds, Tacoma General Hospital, Tacoma, Wa (10/11) “Options for ovulation induction in women with PCOS.” Grand Rounds, The Providence St. Peter Hospital, Olympia, Wa (3/11) “Initial Evaluation of Infertility.” Grand Rounds, The Providence St. Peter Hospital, Olympia, Wa (11/10) “Ovarian aging.” Advanced Practice in Primary and Acute Care Annual CNE event, University of Washington School of Nursing, Washington State Convention Center, Seattle, Wa (10/10) “Progestins in the Early Postpartum Period.” Grand Rounds, University of Utah Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology (3/10) “Care for the Transgendered.” Planned Parenthood Medical Directors Council Annual Clinical Meeting, The Canyons, UT (2/10) “Utah Law and the Clinical Care of Women.” Grand Rounds, University of Utah Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology (6/09) “Birth of a Parent.” Grand Rounds, University of Utah Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology (6/08) “Postpartum Contraception.” Grand Rounds, University of Utah Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology (6/07) “Hysteroscopic Sterilization.” University of Utah Department of Family Practice Grand Rounds (4/07) “First Trimester Bleeding.” Department of Emergency Medicine Grand Rounds, Kaiser Permanente Capital Service Area (3/06) “The Genetics of Premature Ovarian Failure” Grand Rounds, University of Utah Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology (11/03) “Contraceptive Case Studies” University of Utah Department of Family Practice Annual Refresher Course (4/02) “Evolution of the Pill” Grand Rounds, University of Utah Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology (2/02) |
Fellow, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (3/06-present) Member, American Society for Reproductive Medicine (8/03-present) Service to Professional Organizations Utah Section Junior Fellow Chair, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (3/01-6/04) Service to Professional Publications Ad hoc reviewer, Obstetrics and Gynecology (7/03-present) Ad hoc reviewer, Journal of Reproductive Immunology (3/10-present) |
Advisory Board, Utah Infertility Resource Center (1/16-present) |
Consultant, Guidepoint Global Advisors (1/21-present)
Speaker’s Bureau, Abbvie (8/2018-present) Speaker’s Bureau, Duchesnay International (6/15-3/17) Speaker’s Bureau, Organon (2004) |
Best Fertility Clinic, Utah County Daily Herald (annual, 2012-present)
Scientific Poster Award, Second Place, AAGL 32nd Annual Meeting (11/03) Organon Inc, Resident Research Award for Outstanding Research in Women’s Health (6/03) Pfizer Resident Scholarship, ACOG National Meeting (4/03) APGO Foundation Scholars Award (3/03) Wyeth-Ayerst Resident Reporter Program, ASRM National Meeting (9/02) Berlex Resident Teaching Award (6/02) Wyeth-Ayerst Resident Reporter Program, ACOG National Meeting (4/02) SmithKline Beecham Award for Humanism in Medicine (5/00) |
03 November 2021
9:00 PM BTT/BST |
Gurtcheff, Shawn W. M.D., M.S. |
Evaluation and Treatment of Infertility
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