THE LINK | Participants | Professor Gerhard Theron

Professor Gerhard Theron
Head of Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Tygerberg Hospital
Faculty of Medicine and Health
Stellenbosch University
Cape Town, South Africa

Prof Gerhard Theron is the head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Tygerberg Hospital and Faculty of Medicine and Health. He is highly involved in postgraduate training and serves on the faculty board at Stellenbosch University. Outside the university he is involved in ongoing research, serves on various committees and has won numerous awards including the Albert Strating prize for Preventative Medicine. He serves on the FIGO Committee for Safe Motherhood and Newborn Health, with dedicated goals to more effectively implement the PMTCT programme for the benefit of both mothers and children.

Events with Professor Theron

29 April 2021
Professor Gerhard Theron Ellavi Uterine Balloon
International Lecture Series