THE LINK | Scholarships | 2024 Jon Phillip Scholarship

II.BCM Grand Rounds
IV.Concluding Presentations
Dr. Pema Dr. Tandin
Two Bhutanese physicians are the recipients of the 2024 scholarship for the BCM Observership in Obstetrics
and Gynecology
kindly sponsored by Chairman Michael A. Belfort, MBBCH, D.A. (SA), M.D., Ph.D.
October 30, 2024 – November 26, 2024.

Dr. Pema Choden Bhutia and Dr.Tandin Om are happy to have arrived in Houston and are excitedly awaiting
observing the multiple facets of medicine at BCM/TCH from patient care to research to teaching residents.

The purpose of the scholarship is


to expose physicians (residents, faculty, and consultants) in obstetrics and gynecology from a
developing country (Bhutan) to the various divisions and facets of education in obstetrics and
gynecology and patient care in the U.S. with the goal of improving the health and well-being of
the women and children in the Kingdom of Bhutan
to enlighten U.S. obstetrics and gynecology faculty and residents as to the culture, diseases,
and medical care in a developing country, thus, expanding their knowledge and understanding
of the scope of global health
to share clinical, social, cultural, and geographical experiences and practices in the perspective
of global health outreach in the two countries and beyond

We look forward to any feedback (comments, recommendations, suggestions, advice) from interaction with
the Bhutanese and/or purpose and organization of the scholarship.

Opportunity for Life, Inc.